Press Release – Mitchell Institute’s J. Michael Dahm testifies before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC)

Mitchell Institute’s J. Michael Dahm presents testimony before the USCC on March 21, 2024.

Arlington, VA | March 21, 2024

On Thursday, March 21, 2024, J. Michael Dahm, Mitchell Institute’s Senior Resident Fellow for Aerospace and China Studies, testified before the Congressional U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) on “China’s Capabilities and Concepts for ‘Counter-Intervention’.” Dahm’s testimony focused on China’s expansive system of command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, or “C4ISR” capabilities, as well as China’s advances in electronic warfare. Dahm offered the commission detailed insights into China’s capabilities to establish battlespace information dominance as well as a series of cross-cutting legislative recommendations to address those emerging threats.

In his testimony, Dahm addressed People’s Liberation Army (PLA) operational approaches to modern combat and how “informationized warfare” concepts might manifest in counter-intervention operations. Dahm explained, “The PLA’s informationized approach copies a well-established U.S. military playbook: Render enemies deaf, dumb, and blind, and then pick off disconnected enemy forces with long-range precision fires.” Dahm highlighted the need for policymakers to support a comprehensive net assessment of U.S. and allied C4ISR and how it might stand up to the growing list of PLA capabilities arrayed against it.

Answering questions for U.S. leaders about strategic approach, operational concepts, and future investments are critical to addressing military challenges from China—the pacing threat for the U.S. Air Force and a fundamental driver of work at the Mitchell Institute.

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