
The Mitchell Institute is an independent, nonpartisan research organization established to provide fact-based policy options, inform debate, and empower our nation’s leaders.

Air Force Fellows

Since 1958, the Air Force has carefully chosen a small number of officers to serve tours at distinguished civilian academic institutions, inter-governmental agencies, and think tanks. Through these programs, the Mitchell Institute invests in the future by supporting the development and education of future Air Force leaders.

The Senior Development Education (SDE) program is directed at the strategic level of development, usually for O-5/O-6/GS-15 or equivalent grades, and designed to develop leadership and broaden perspectives.

The Strategic Policy Fellowship program seeks to provide Air Force officers with demonstrated potential for future leadership with insight into inter-governmental agency and civilian defense policy community thinking, broader overall perspectives, and sharper executive skills.

Lt Col Grant Georgulis

Air Force Senior Developmental Education Fellow
Lt Col Grant Georgulis is an Air Force Senior Developmental Education Fellow and a Master Air Battle Manager at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, for the academic year 2024-2025.

Background: Lt Col Georgulis entered the Air Force in 2007 through the ROTC program at Texas State University-San Marcos. He has served on an air component staff, was an Air Force Weapons School instructor, and graduated from the Naval War College’s College of Naval Command and Staff and the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies. Before his current assignment, he was the Commander, 965 Airborne Air Control Squadron, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. He has also accumulated 1,600 hours on the E-3B/C/G and E-767.