Aerospace Advantage

The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies is proud to present the Aerospace Advantage, with veteran fighter pilot and Senior Resident Fellow Heather “Lucky” Penney as the host.
Every week, Heather “Lucky” Penney will take listeners into the world of aerospace power and help the audience understand what it takes to fly and fight in the sky, while also protecting America’s interests in space. Whether talking to top generals, standing on a flight line full of combat aircraft, looking at a rocket being prepared for launch, or hearing from those who have laid it all on the line in defense of the nation—this podcast will afford unprecedented access and insight into where the combat aerospace community is going and why.

Heather "Lucky" Penney of the Mitchell Institute chats with Mitchell Institute Fellow Lt Col Gary "Plugger" Glojek and the director of the Air Force's Experimental Operations Unit Lt Col Matthew "Doubled" Jensen about sortie generation and future concepts for CCA employment.

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The Mitchell Institute team is back together on The Rendezvous special and discuss Chinese spacepower, NGAD, the news from Capitol Hill. In this episode, Heather "Lucky" Penney is joined Lt Gen David Deptula, Charles Galbreath, J.V. Venable, Todd Harmer, Jeff Rowlison, and Anthony Lazarski.

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In this episode, Heather "Lucky" Penney chats with Lt Col Jessica "Thumper" Getrost, Commander of the 57th Space Aggressor Squadron; Lt Col Matt "BC" Bejeck, Commander of the 98th Space range Squadron; and Mitchell's own Charles Galbreath about how the Space Force is preparing its Guardians for the demands of orbital warfare.

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In this episode, Heather "Lucky" Penney chats with Col Joshua Koslov, Commander of the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing. The key to success is dominance across the electromagnetic spectrum, and in this episode, Penney and Col Koslov discuss how the USAF is looking to maintain its dominance across the "spectrum."

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The Mitchell Institute Team is back together on The Rendezvous special to discuss the Triad, the Space Guard Debate, and to receive an update from Capitol Hill. Heather 'Lucky" Penney is joined by Lt Gen David Deptula, Jennifer Reeves, Todd Harmer, Jeff Rowlinson, Anthony Lazarski, and James Schenck.

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In this episode, Heather "Lucky" Penney and Mitchell Institute Executive Director Doug Birkey welcome Matt Pess, Chief Engineer on the Enhanced Power and Cooling (EPCAS) program at Collins Aerospace to discuss how the F-35 stays "cool" under pressure.

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In this special episode, Heather "Lucky" Penney sits down with Lt Gen Michael A. Loh, Director of the Air National Guard and Lt Gen Joseph T. Guastella, USAF (Ret.), Former Deputy Chief of Staff, USAF. The three chat about the importance of the Guard and its role in the Total Force.

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The Mitchell Team is back together for The Rendezvous to discuss the DoD Budget, Space, CCAs, and PLA Reorganization. Heather "Lucky" Penney is joined by John Baum, Lt Gen Dave Deptula, Charles Galbreath, J. Michael Dahm, Todd Harmer, Jeff Rowlison, and Anthony Lazarski.

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