Episode Summary
The Mitchell Institute is pleased to release episode 19 of its Aerospace Advantage podcast: From the F-4 to the F-35: Decision Making at the Speed of Sound. From the earliest days of air combat, success demanded extreme situational awareness. Whether detecting enemy fighters first and maneuvering for the first shot, first kill advantage, or understanding how to maneuver through the threat environment to successfully net desired mission results—flying and fighting comes down to a simple reality: information advantage is life. In World War I and World War II, much of that process relied on the basics of eyesight and mental cognition. Today, it involves an array of complex, hugely powerful sensors, processing power, and teamed connectivity between mission assets. Although various generations of combat aircraft may share some resemblance, their respective ability to harness the information advantage is vastly different. Join Maj Gen (ret) Larry “Stutz” Stutzriem, Heather “Lucky” Penney, and Justin “Hasard” Lee as they discuss this evolution from their personal perspectives via the F-4, F-16, and F-35.
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Daniel C. Rice
Executive Producer
Douglas Birkey