Podcast Episode 184

New NATO Voices: Conversation with Maj Gen Jonas Wikman, Chief of the Swedish Air Force

In episode 184 of the Aerospace Advantage, New NATO Voices: Conversation with Maj Gen Jonas Wikman, Chief of the Swedish Air Force, host Heather “Lucky” Penney and Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.) chat with NATO’s newest airpower leader.

Given recent events, the time for this conversation couldn’t be better. Our Air Forces have been strong partners for years, but Sweden’s membership in NATO will tighten the relationship even further. When you look at a map and think about current security challenges—Sweden holds a key position. Closely situated to Russia and vital sea lanes, Sweden not only serves as a key player in NATO, but their arctic position ties directly to our own homeland defense given northern tier approaches. Past that, Sweden has served shoulder-to-shoulder in recent years in numerous operations with our own airmen including Afghanistan.


Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.)Dean, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
Maj Gen Olof Jonas WikmanChief of Air Force, Swedish Air Force


Heather PenneySenior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies


Shane Thin

Executive Producer
Douglas Birkey

Joel Thungren

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