In Episode 142 of the Aerospace Advantage, A Conversation with Air Marshal Harvey Smyth: Allied Perspective, John “Slick” Baum, Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.), and Gen Kevin Chilton, USAF (Ret.) chat with Air Marshal Harvey Smyth, the Royal Air Force’s Air and Space Commander.
It’s hard to think about a single time in history when our nation fought alone. It’s no secret why: allies and partners are the key to success as America seeks to engage around the world. It takes a team to win—especially in the modern security environment. Working together with other service branches and international operational commanders, Air Marshal Smyth oversees the generation and employment of airpower for the United Kingdom. During this episode, the Mitchell team explores with Air Marshal Smyth how he sees the global security environment and where the RAF stands from a capabilities perspective. They also discuss future operating concepts and RAF spacepower objectives. Join us for this incredibly insightful dialogue.
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Shane Thin
Executive Producer
Douglas Birkey