In Episode 127 of the Aerospace Advantage, A Conversation with Rep Rob Wittman (R-VA): Congressional Insights, John Baum and Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.), chat with one of the leading national authorities on defense.
After three decades of sole superpower status, the United States finds itself stretched thin as it struggles to deal with the rapid rise of an assertive China and an increasingly aggressive Russia, along with a nuclear weapons ambitious Iran and North Korea. While not existential threats, non-state aggressors in the Middle East, Africa, and beyond demand attention too. This scope of concurrent security demands, ranging the full spectrum of the threat envelope, places an extremely heavy burden on the U.S. defense establishment. Decisions made by Congress are critical to addressing these factors—whether from a policy, budget, or oversight vantage. This episode will explore these challenges through the eyes of Rep Rob Wittman (R-VA), the Chairman of the House Armed Services subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces and a member of the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee. These two committees collectively cover Air Force fighters, bombers, UAVs, airlifters, cargo aircraft, munitions, and much of the R&D portfolio.
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Shane Thin
Executive Producer
Douglas Birkey