Bloomberg Radio interview with Gen Deptula on the Law of Armed Conflict in Gaza
Bloomberg | October 16, 2023
Bloomberg | October 16, 2023
Doug Birkey explores the modernization challenges facing the Air National Guard and the Air Force as a whole with Lt Gen Mike Loh, along with Mitchell Institute’s Lt Gen David Deptula, USAF (Ret.) and Heather Penney.
In this Rendezvous episode, we explore recent news from Ukraine, especially the Wagner Group’s rebellion in Russia. We also discuss how the defense bills are progressing through both the Senate and House—evaluating how priorities are faring as they work through the markup process in the various committees. We also discuss the Hill’s take on “divest to invest.”
Arlington, VA | June 29, 2023 — The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies is pleased to announce a new entry…
Breaking Defense | June 9, 2023 | Doug Birkey
Empowering actors at all levels with a smart set of options at the right time and place demands procuring the most effective, efficient, and resilient set of tools.
No matter the mission, from air superiority and long range strike to air mobility and command and control, a broad range of missions executed in the air provide vital options at the strategic, operational, and tactical realms.
Strategic deterrence is the bedrock of the national security enterprise thanks to the virtues and value of the triad.
National security space activities are essential facets of any military operation, while also creating conditions essential for the civilian economy.
Meeting national security requirements today and tomorrow requires insightful, creative approaches that prioritize America’s strengths, while not projecting undue vulnerability.