Bottom line, the U.S. Air Force does not have enough pilots to sustain a credible combat force in peacetime, much less during a prolonged high-intensity conflict. History demonstrates that without depth of experienced aircrew, air forces collapse in major conflicts because they cannot continue operations as losses mount. While this crisis extends across the entire pilot force, the shortfall in fighter pilots is especially dire. Solving these challenges will require the Air Force to grow the size of both its aircraft inventory and pilot force, while simultaneously increasing the experience levels of its combat pilots across its Total Force.

Media Coverage
- New Report: Fixes to Pilot ‘Crisis’ Tied to Fleet Size, Flying Hours, Reserves
Air & Space Forces Magazine - What Will It Take To Fix The US Air Force Pilot Crisis?
Simple Flying - Pilot shortage: new report calls for more Air Force fighters and larger Reserve
Defense One - Are We Facing a Fighter Pilot Shortage Crisis?
Qhubo - Report: Air Force’s Pilot ‘Crisis’ Needs Larger Reserve, More Fighters
National Guard Association of the United States - Fighter Pilot Shortage Threatening Readiness
AVWeb - Could The USAF Fighter Fleet Be Recapitalized With Super Hornets?
Simple Flying