Policy Paper Release: The Indispensable Domain: The Critical Role of Space in JADC2

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DATE: October 24, 2022

The Mitchell Institute invites you to watch the rollout for our newest policy paper: The Indispensable Domain: The Critical Role of Space in JADC2 by Tim Ryan, Senior Fellow at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies. He is joined by Dr. Brad Tousley, Vice President of Strategy and Technology, Raytheon Intelligence and Space and Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.) Dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.

Warfighting in the space domain will determine the outcome of future conflicts. The reason for this is simple: success in war will go to the side that possesses superior battlespace knowledge, makes better decisions, directs forces more effectively, and closes kill chains faster. Technologies on orbit are pivotal in securing this advantage, especially when it comes to sensors and connectivity. This ties directly to the vision defining Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2)—an enterprise in which data is collected from a broad array of multi-domain sensors, rapidly transmitted across vast distances, processed into actionable information, and provided to consumers on a demand-relevant basis to empower smart decision making across the tactical, operational, and strategic command realms. It all comes down to getting relevant information to each warfighter at the right time to achieve the desired effects, all at a global scale. Space-based technologies will prove essential for manifesting this capability—especially when it comes to space-based sensors and communication links, called the transport layer.

In his report, Ryan explains the way in which space-based technologies will underpin the JADC2 construct, while also making important recommendations that will prove essential as leaders work to transition the theory of JADC2 to reality.

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