Aerospace Nation

Gen James C. Slife

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DATE: July 29, 2024

Gen. James C. Slife

Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force


The Air Force is at the epicenter of generational transformation. The security environment is posing severe risks the likes of which have not been seen in decades; the force is in the middle of a massive modernization cycle—including two legs of the nuclear triad and NC3; the information age is radically redefining elements of how missions are executed; and the attributes required for individual Airmen to meet mission objectives continue to evolve. All of this is occurring at a time of extreme budget pressure, high COCOM demand, and challenges tied to recruiting and retention. This is a no-fail era for the Air Force. The decisions made in the coming years will radically impact options available to future leaders for decades.

Gen Slife discusses these challenges and how the Air Force is working to address them.




Gen James C. SlifeVice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force
Lt Gen David A. Deptula USAF (Ret.)Dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
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