Aerospace Nation

Launch of New Center for UAV and Autonomy Studies (MI-UAS)

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DATE: May 12, 2022

The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies is pleased to announce the launch of our new Center for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Autonomy Studies (MI-UAS), a research center dedicated to elevating and informing the national debate on UAVs, autonomy and the future of conflict.

Meet Dr. Caitlin Lee, Senior Fellow for UAV and Autonomy Studies and head of MI-UAS, she discusses the future of this crucial area with Dr. Tim Grayson, Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, and David Ochmanek, Senior International/Defense Researcher at the RAND Corporation and Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Development.




Dr Caitlin LeeSenior Fellow for UAV and Autonomy Studies and head of MI-UAS
Dr Timothy P. GraysonSpecial Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force
David OchmanekSenior International/Defense Researcher at the RAND Corporation and Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Development
Lt Gen David A. Deptula USAF (Ret.)Dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
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