Schriever Spacepower Series

Maj Gen Christopher Povak

This event has already taken place.

DATE: October 10, 2023

The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies invites you to enjoy our Schriever Spacepower Series with Maj Gen Christopher Povak, Deputy Director, National Reconnaissance Office. General Povak joined us to discuss the latest details regarding how the NRO develops, acquires, launches, and operates the latest space-based intelligence assets. This event was moderated by Gen Kevin P. Chilton, USAF (Ret.), Explorer Chair of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence (MI-SPACE).




Maj Gen Christopher S. PovakDeputy Director, National Reconnaissance Office
Gen Kevin P. Chilton USAF (Ret.)Explorer Chair at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies Spacepower Advantage Center of Excellence

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