The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies invites you to watch the rollout for our newest research paper: The Next Frontier: UAVs for Great Power Conflict – Part I: Penetrating Strike by Caitlin Lee, Senior Fellow for UAV and Autonomy Studies and Mark Gunzinger, Director of Future Concepts and Capability Assessments and a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense. Maj Gen Scott Jobe, Director of Plans, Programs, and Requirements, Headquarters Air Combat Command; Brig Gen Dale R. White, Program Executive Officer for Fighters and Advanced Aircraft, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Air Force Materiel Command; David R. Alexander, President, Aircraft Systems Group General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.; along with Steve Fendley, President, Unmanned Systems Division at Kratos Defense and Security Solutions join the discussion moderated by Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.) Dean of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.
Only a few years ago, the idea of the U.S. Air Force operating uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAV) with artificial intelligence (AI) in highly contested airspace seemed to many like science fiction. But fast-forward to 2022 and Air Force leaders have made the rapid fielding of next-generation UAVs, known as “autonomous collaborative platforms” (ACPs), a top priority. A confluence of events – the strategic threat posed by China, advances in AI and other key technologies, and growing evidence that these technologies can improve operational outcomes – have created a groundswell of support across the Air Force, the Department of Defense, and industry, to move this technology into the battlespace quickly.
In their report, Lee and Gunzinger examine how ACPs can contribute to a combat-credible force structure that supports the objectives of the 2022 National Defense Strategy. To ground the analysis, they convened over 40 operators, engineers, and scientists from the Air Force, Department of Defense, and industry in a 3-day workshop to consider the roles, missions, and capabilities that ACPs will need to support penetrating strikes in a war between the United States and China over Taiwan. This discussion will focus on insights gleaned from their research, and the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead as the Air Force seeks to integrate ACP technology into its force structure.

Media Coverage
- The Weekly Debrief: Public Workshop Illuminates Secrecy-Shrouded CCA Roles
Aviation Week - What Could Be Part of the B-21 ‘Family of Systems’? New Report Offers Some Insight
Air & Space Forces Magazine - Air Force Leaders: CCA Is About Capability, Not Just Cost
Air & Space Forces Magazine