The Mitchell Institute invites you to watch our rollout for our newest policy paper: Orbital Vigilance: The Need for Enhanced Space-Based Missile Warning and Tracking by Christopher Stone, Senior Fellow for Space Studies, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.
For decades, U.S. space-based missile warning and ground based radars have provided our nation’s leaders with early warning of missile threats at home and abroad. Now that our adversaries have begun to field and use hypersonic and maneuvering missile systems, it is crucial to ensure we can detect an track these threats. This demands new solutions.
Gen Kevin P. Chilton, USAF (Ret.), Explorer Chair of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies and former STRATCOM commander; Colonel Miguel A. Cruz, Commander of Delta 4, the Missile Warning command of the U.S. Space Force; Dr. Davin Swanson, Chief Engineer in Space and C2 Systems, Raytheon Intelligence and Space; and Christopher Stone will discuss why DOD must adopt a new force design that multiple satellites across different orbital regimes to maintain a continuous chain of custody of these new threats, and cue missile defenses.

Media Coverage
- Study: Combine Missile Warning, Tracking Constellations Into One Multi-Orbit System
Air and Space Forces Magazine - Hypersonic Threat Spurs Investment in Space-Based Missile Tracking
National Defense - US Ramps Up Hypersonic Weapon Detect System
SOFREP - Issue Brief: Fiscal Year 2023 Space Force Budget Analysis: Missile Warning and Tracking Looms Large
Aerospace Corporation - US Air Force’s AdAir fighter training needs a road map
Defense New