The Mitchell Institute invites you to watch our virtual Aerospace Nation event with Gen Kenneth S. Wilsbach, Commander of the Pacific Air Forces; Air Component Commander at U.S. Indo-Pacific Command; and Executive Director of the Pacific Air Combat Operations Staff.
It is no secret that the Chinese threat is driving the Department of Defense strategic thinking, operational concepts, force sizing considerations, and associated technological investments. Join us as we speak with the lead Air Force commander responsible for helping meet today’s requirements, while also chart a vector to ensure airpower is best aligned to meeting future demands in the Pacific.

Media Coverage
- JUST IN: Commander Wants New F-15EX Jet Fighter for Indo-Pacific Ops
National Defense - PACAF’s Wilsbach: China and Russia Cooperate but Are Not Interoperable—No One in Charge
Air & Space Forces Magazine - PACAF Chief Favors F-15EX For Kadena Basing
Aviation Week