Podcast Episode 76

Building Next Gen CSAR: HH-60W

In episode 76 of the Aerospace Advantage, Building Next Gen CSAR: HH-60W, host John “Slick” Baum talks to Sikorsky team members involved with developing and producing the next generation HH-60W combat search and rescue helicopter. The Air Force operates aircraft for decades, so introducing a new type is a big deal and it involves a lot of different nuances and processes we don’t always think about. Now some might ask—what’s the big deal? This is just another Blackhawk variant. And while that’s technically true at a big picture level, the reality is that this aircraft, its mission systems, and its performance are fundamentally different than the older types it’s replacing, the HH-60Gs. In fact, it’s so evolved that the Air Force competed this as a new acquisition effort and is putting the helicopter through a series of tests reserved for new types entering the operational world. This isn’t just another mission. Combat search and rescue is a moral imperative.


Doug BirkeyExecutive Director, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
Steven HillProgram Director for Combat Rescue Helicopter, Sikorsky
David “Rum” MorganDirector for Air Force Business Development, Sikorsky
James BrantDirector for Assembly and Flight Operations, Sikorsky


John BaumSenior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies


Daniel C. Rice

Executive Producer
Douglas Birkey

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