Podcast Episode 117

Effective Airpower: It Takes Informed Perspectives

In episode 117 of the Aerospace Advantage, Effective Airpower: It Takes Informed Perspectives, John “Slick” Baum talks to Col Mathew Berry, commandant of the Air Force’s Air Command and Staff College (ACSC), and Col Sarah Bakhtiari, Dean of Education at ACSC about how they are working to train the next generation of airmen. For the past two decades, the United States national security community was predominantly focused on counter insurgency combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. With the sunset of those missions and the rise of peer adversaries like China and Russia, paired with the continued threat posed by mid-tier actors like Iran and North Korea, it is critical to ensure airmen understand these new threat paradigms and how best to apply airpower in support of national security objectives. Much of this education takes place at Air University (AU)—the service’s preeminent professional military education institution. This episode will explore how leaders at ACSC, a key component of AU, are facilitating this transition to help cultivate air-minded airmen equipped to meet the challenges that increasingly define the national security environment in which they must operate.

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    Col Mathew BerryCommandant, Air Command and Staff College, Air University
    Col Sarah N. BakhtiariDean of Education, Air Command and Staff College, Air University


    John BaumSenior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies


    Shane Thin

    Executive Producer
    Douglas Birkey

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