Podcast Episode 106

We’ve Seen the B-21: What Comes Next?


In Episode 106 of the Aerospace Advantage podcast, We’ve Seen the B-21: What Comes Next?, John “Slick” Baum chats with Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USAF (Ret.), Mark Gunzinger, and Doug Birkey of the Mitchell Institute team about their experiences at the B-21 rollout and what the future will hold for America’s newest bomber. Opening the hanger doors and rolling the aircraft out for public viewing earlier this month marked a key juncture toward rebuilding America’s airpower arsenal. It all comes down to producing the long-range sensor/shooter capabilities in adequate capacity that the nation will need to meet tomorrow’s threats. Combatant commanders simply can’t get enough bombers these days, so we can’t get B-21s on the ramp soon enough. These members of the Mitchell Institute team were part of a select group to see this aircraft during its December 2nd rollout; in this episode, they discuss the event, first impressions of the aircraft, and key factors that will shape the future of the program.

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    Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.)Dean, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
    Doug BirkeyExecutive Director, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
    Mark GunzingerDirector of Future Concepts and Capability Assessments, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies


    John BaumSenior Fellow, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies


    Shane Thin

    Executive Producer
    Douglas Birkey

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