Microelectronics: Macro Impacts from Competition to Crisis

Arlington, VA | September 12, 2024 — The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies announces a new entry in its Forum Paper series, Microelectronics: Macro Impacts from Competition to Crisis, by Lt Gen Mark Weatherington, USAF (Ret.).

Once the world leader in microelectronics and semiconductor manufacturing, the United States is now dangerously reliant upon a vulnerable global supply chain centered in the Pacific region. The disruption of that supply chain presents significant national security challenges at a time when the Chinese ability to affect the supply of chips has dramatically increased. This effort must begin with a robust analytic effort that is shaped by real operational considerations and aimed at finding practical solutions. Understanding key supply chain nodes, potential risks, and the full implications of disruption to warfighters is a massive but necessary undertaking. Seeking the right economic and policy incentives, as well as practical manufacturing solutions and alternatives, to promote supply chain resilience is absolutely critical to the security of the United States and its allies.

The Forum presents innovative concepts and thought-provoking insight from aerospace experts here in the United States and across the globe. As a means to afford publishing opportunities for thoughtful perspectives, Mitchell Institute’s Forum provides high visibility to writing efforts on issues spanning technology and operational concepts, defense policy and strategy, and unique interpretations of changing geopolitical relationships.

For media inquiries, email our publications team at forum.mitchellaerospacepower@afa.org

Copies of Forum Papers can be downloaded at https://www.mitchellaerospacepower.org/publications

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