The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies is pleased to announce the publication of its submission to the 2022 Air Power Journal for the Dubai International Air Chiefs’ Conference (DIACC), titled Joint All-Domain Command and Control: The Role for Space, and authored by Senior Fellow for Spacepower Studies Tim Ryan.
Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) will collect information from any sensor and any domain, rapidly transmit large volumes of data across vast physical distances, process the information to support dynamic battle management and commander decisions, and then ensure that the correct information gets to the right warfighters at the right time to achieve the desired effect, all at a global scale. Space will empower all these critical actions. This can only be achieved with foundational space-based capabilities. Only the space domain can move information at the speed, size, and range required of an effective JADC2 architecture. If the United States hopes to prevail in a peer conflict, the Department of Defense and the Space Force must prioritize a robust space transport layer, sensors, and space superiority to protect these capabilities.